Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
(Pailio glaucus)
The one above is a female, the other two are males. You can tell by the blue on the females hindwing.
(note: the males are more yellow than portrayed in the pictures)
Painted lady
These are Painted lady butterflies, or Vanewwa cardui. They are widespread, and can be caught in all 48
of the continental states.

Cabbage White
One of the most common butterflies in the U.S., and probably the most boring; The cabbage or Pieris rapae is
not much to look at. The female has two dots on its forewing, the male only has one.

Silver-Spotted Skipper
One of the larger and more common skippers, it has a white-silver patch on the under side of its hindwing, unlike any
other skipper.

Mourning Cloak
One of the most beautiful butterflies in our region, the Mourning Cloak is on the wing throughout the summer here in
Pennsylvania. In places where cold weather is not a factor, however, they fly up to year round.